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Privacy Policy

  1. Outline of this Privacy Policy
    1. Cardinal Logistics Limited (the Company, we, us and our) provides a recruitment portal (“Recruitment Portal”) via its website at (Website) by which potential employees can express their interest in employment opportunities with the Company.   
    2. Cardinal Logistics Limited (the Company, we, us and our) is committed to protecting the personal information of all users of the Website and Recruitment Portal (Users) in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act) and the Information Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act.
    3. This privacy policy will help Users understand how and why the Company collects information via the Recruitment Portal and Website, how that information is stored, how they can access and correct that information and when we might disclose information to third parties.
    4. For further information, please see
  1. Application of this Privacy Policy
    1. This privacy policy applies to all instances in which personal information is collected from a User by the Company via the Website or Recruitment Portal.
    2. By using the Recruitment Portal, the User consents to the collection, use, disclosure, storage and processing of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.
  1. Changes to this Policy
    1. The Company may change this policy at any time by uploading a revised privacy policy to the Website.
    2. All Users agree to be bound by the privacy policy that is in effect at the time they use the Recruitment Portal.
  1. Information to be true and correct.
    1. All information submitted to the Company must be true and correct.
    2. The User must not provide or upload inaccurate, incomplete, false, or misleading information. 
    3. If the User commences employment with the Company, and the Company subsequently learns that the information the User provided during the recruitment process (via the Recruitment Portal or otherwise) was false, inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading, the User’s employment may be terminated for misconduct. 
  1. Collection of Personal Information
    1. The Company will collect the following personal information:
      1. information obtained by or submitted to the Company by the User through that User’s use (or prospective use) of the Recruitment Portal; and
      2. any subsequent information provided by the User to the Company during the recruitment process, including but not limited to via the Recruitment Portal, or via phone or email.
    2. The Company may, in addition to other information, collect the following specific information about a User:
      1. Name.
      2. Address.
      3. Contact Details.
      4. Date of Birth.
      5. Resume.
      6. Education Background.
      7. Employment History.
      8. Referees and References.
      9. Results of criminal checks.
      10. Competency testing information; and      `
      11. Responses to medical questionnaires.
    3. The Company requires the User’s information to be able to consider their application and suitability for employment with the Company.
    4. If any User chooses not to provide information when we ask for it, the Company may not be able to fully process the User’s application or properly consider them for employment.
  1. Use of Personal Information
    1. The information that Users provide to the Company may be used:
      1. to verify the identity of the User.
      2. to consider the User for employment.
      3. to consider the User for employment in relation to other suitable employment opportunities that arise at the Company;
      4. to undertake employment checks and criminal checks of any User (if necessary).
      5. to contact the User and to respond to communications from a User.
      6. for any other purpose connected to recruitment or considering the User for employment with the Company.
      7. to protect and/or enforce the Company’s legal rights and interests, including defending any claim; or
      8. for any other purpose authorised by a User and the Privacy Act.
    2. The Company reserves the right to use data (on a strictly anonymous basis) in relation to a User’s use of the Recruitment Portal for statistical and accounting purposes.  
  1. Storage of Personal Information
    1. The User’s information will be held by a Third-Party Data Centre, being and will only be available for access by the Company.  No access will be provided to any other outside party.
    2. The Third-Party Date Centre is outside of NZ.  The User authorises the Company to provide the Third-Party Date Centre with the User’s information collected about the User as potential employment candidate for storage purposes only.  The User accepts and understand that the Third-Party Data Centre may not be required to protect the User’s information in a way that, overall, provides comparable safeguards to those in the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.  
  1. Cookies
    1. The Company uses cookies (being an alphanumeric identifier that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive so that we can recognise your browser) to monitor your use of the Website.  Users may disable cookies by changing the settings on their browser, although this may mean that you cannot use all the features of the Recruitment Portal.
  1. Disclosure of Personal Information
    1. The Company may disclose the User’s information (to the extent that it is relevant) where disclosure relates to the purposes for which the information was collected including but not limited to:
      1. Processing the User’s application for employment and/or identifying other employment opportunities for the User.
      2. to referees as part of the reference check process.
      3. to the Company’s related Companies and entities.
      4. to recruitment agencies assisting the Company with the recruitment process.
      5. to other organisations who perform services on the Company’s behalf during the recruitment process.
    2. Other than as stated in this Privacy Policy, the Company will not disclose personal information that Users provide to outside parties, except where the User has given their permission for the same.
  1. Protection and Retention of Personal Information
    1. The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information collected, used, or disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy is stored in a secure environment protected from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.
    2. If a user’s recruitment application is successful, the Company will retain the User’s information as part of their employment records.
    3. If a user’s recruitment application is unsuccessful, the Company may retain the User’s information on file and may contact the User if a suitable employment opportunity arises or if there are other positions available that may be of interest to the User.
    4. Users may contact if they do not wish for their information to be retained by the Company.
  1. Legal Rights and Access to Personal Information
    1. Users have the following rights in relation to their personal information:
      1. To request access to their personal information.
      2. To request a correction to their personal information.
      3. To request the deletion or removal of their personal information.
      4. To withdraw consent to the use of their personal information.
    2. If at any time a User wishes to amend their information or details as stored on the Recruitment Portal, the User should attempt to do this themselves online through their candidate profile in the first instance.  It is the Users responsibility to keep their information current. 
    3. If the User is unable to amend the information themselves, they should contact the Company at
    4. If the User requests the Company to provide to him or her copies of their personal information, the Company may charge the User a reasonable fee for doing so in accordance with section 66 of the Privacy Act 2020.